2024 WBS Douglas Villa Junior Tournament

The 2024 WBS Douglas Villa Junior Tournament will be held on the weekend of 14/15 September with a back up weekend of 21/22 September 

9th, 11th and 13th grade to be played on the Saturday 

8th, 10th,12th and 14th/15th grade will be played on the Sunday. 

Only 2 teams per club per grade, extras go on wait list for after close date.

This year we are only taking registrations via our website through the drop down tournament tab. douglasvillaafc.co.nz

The cost to enter this year is $200 inc GST per team, registrations are not confirmed until payment is received 

Bank account Douglas Villa AFC 06-0996-0588034-003 

Entries close September 6th

Remember to add your club and team name in the reference so we can identify who payment has come from.

You can find game day rules in the file above. All other info including draws will be posted on our tournament facebook page " WBS Douglas villa junior tournament"

Any enquires please email dvjuniortournament@outlook.com please note this email is not monitored until closer to the tournament. For invoices please email club treasurer @ dvtreasurer@hotmail.com

From the team at Douglas Villa we look forward to seeing you for another great DVAFC Junior Tournament.